A community-inspired story-telling space, acting in service to the urgent needs of our time.

Schumacher Magazine

we are the storytellers

of a future that is free

we are the future weavers

unravelling from me to we

we are the future troubadours

singing songs of emergence

we are the future guardians

of heart-led intelligence

we are the future midwives

birthing beauty for the whole

we are the future magi

spell casting from our restless souls

we are the future blacksmiths

hammering shields and spears

we are the future warriors

defending life and facing fears

we are the future growers

tending to our weeds

we are the future harvest

ripening fruit of forgotten seeds

we are the future drummers

keeping time with love

we are the future ancestors

of beings bright as stars

we are the future sailors

on rising future seas

we are the future elders

what will be our legacy?